Trendy African Bridesmaid Dress

Trendy African Bridesmaid Dress

Different wedding styles have hit the modern fashion industry space that makes a perfect choice for bridesmaids’ dresses. Whether you go for kitenge, Ankara, kente, or a mixture of several prints, you can be sure that African print offers authentic styles. Choosing the right bridesmaid dress styles may be what makes your team of maids stand out. With the increase in weddings today, it becomes challenging to stand out easily. Nevertheless, with a little creativity and extra research, it is possible to find dress styles that will make people talk about your wedding long after it is done.

Trendy African Bridesmaid Dress

1. Kitenge Lace Dress

This dress combines both Kitenge and lace creating a long flowing gown with a touch of traditional African and modern Western style. This is a style that a team of young bridesmaids will appreciate because it is both classic and functional. The girls will gladly wear the dress since it works for other functions such as a church event and dinner. You can pick the dress in a color that matches your theme. You can be sure that your bridesmaids will steal the show in a complementary manner. If your idea is to have a classic and elegant wedding then this is your go-to dress.

2. Colorful Mixed Dress

If you are a mature bride that wants a team that is sparkly and attractive then colorful combinations will be very interesting for you. This makes a perfect theme for a wedding and you can choose to have your maids lead the way. Easy to accessorize with a simple clutch and matching shoes or flip-flops for comfort, this is a look that will get people talking. You can choose to adopt the entire traditional look with a modern twist by having the maids wear the headgear as well. Alternatively, you can leave the headgear out and in its place adopt a birdcage veil or go for brooches in simply style hair. Your impeccable fashion sense comes through this choice easily.

3. Kitenge Dress

This kitenge outfit will work perfectly for a bride that needs a style that matches their traditional theme easily. With the simplicity of the dress and a chance to accessorize it with African ornaments, your bridesmaids’ team will be unique and exquisite. The long flowing gown is decent and the back detail makes it classy especially for the ladies that love to show off a little bit of skin.

4. Kente Gown

This will work perfectly for an all Kente wedding theme. With the bride and groom wearing Kente outfits, the bridal team can also adorn this flowing Kente gown with low back detail. The mix and match style can be perfect when done properly. The maids can be in the flowing gown with the lowered back detail while the bride can have her gown styled differently to break the monotony. Accessories can also differ to bring in the distinction.

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