African diner for Men

African Dinner Wear For Men

African dinner wear for men does not have to be boring and predictable. While black suits with bow ties have worked well over the years, changes in the fashion industry have brought newer and fresher ideas that men should be open to considering, especially African men.

African Dinner Wear for Men


With the right fabric choice, design, and color coordination, an African man can look great at a dinner party he attends. It does not matter if it's an official dinner meeting with prospective clients or an easy dinner party with friends after a great achievement, the bottom line remains that African men can look great wherever they go, as long as they are wearing the right attire.

Have you ever asked yourself about what to wear to a formal dinner party? Do you struggle with choosing the appropriate attire for such occasions? If so, worry no more. The following suggestions will help make your work easy as they point out some of the best dinners for African men. You can modify any of the attires to find a look that works for you or choose to go with it as suggested.

1. Kitenge Suit
Are you afraid of color? If not, then this is an excellent choice of attire for a casual dinner party with people you are familiar with. This choice of attire brings out the cool and sophisticated individual in you without necessarily being stern-faced. Men that are bold enough to dare and be different will be admired when they attend the dinner party in such. Go for colors that complement your complexion.

2. Checked Dress
This look is unique and will not disappoint. If you want to go for something that is in between an official and a casual look, then try this one out. The checked fabric tends to make you appear young and collected. What's more, you do not have to accessorize it for you to attain a complete look. The attire stands out on its own.

3. Long Sleeved Plain Shirt With Black Pant
This is an excellent look, especially if you are meeting up with your girlfriend. The goal is to appear chic while teasing her at the same time. The color combination of the long-sleeved shirt will make you seem cool. Throw in a black hat and comfortable footwear and you are good to go. After all, it makes for a good break after a long day at work.

4. Ankara Polo Shirt With Black Pant
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Nothing says this better than this Ankara cotton polo shirt with matching black pants. You do not have to go out of your way to come up with complicated designs when you can settle for something as simple as this and still stand out.

5. Kente Black Shirt
Kente attires seem to make some of the most elegant dinners wear for men. Depending on how they are combined in an outfit, Kente outfits tend to look unique. As such, these attires make an excellent choice for African men and can serve on various occasions including dinner parties. Pair it with white pants as shown in the picture above and wear your best black shoes to complete the look.

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