A Guide To Becoming A Fashion Designer In Africa

A Guide To Becoming A Fashion Designer In Africa

Today, endeavors are mostly achieved with skill acquisition and empowerment to be able to stay independent from the mercy of people. With your skill, you are perfectly on your way of becoming an entrepreneur with a big dream.
In the scope of art, fashion designing is a great skill to take on as nobody can go without wearing clothes, especially when designed in a creative and appealing way. With different merits accrued with fashion designing, becoming a fashion designer requires good understanding of what the field is really about.

Duties Of Fashion Designers

To be successful as a fashion designer in Africa, you must painstakingly understand what the concept is all about.
1. Producing designs
2. Marketing designs
3. Innovating designs
4. Overseeing the production of various designs
5. Working with a team of designers
6. Being updated with the trends of fashion world in Africa

Required Skills To Be Successful In Fashion Designing In Africa

It is imperative to possess the following skills to be able to stay relevant in the fashion designing enterprise. However, it should be noted that while these skills can be learned, they can also be developed.
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Creativity plays a pivotal role in determining your level of success in fashion designing. It can be simply put that your growth in fashion designing is a function of how creative you are; it is about having slew of creative ideas running through your mind. The beauty of being creative is well pronounced with having innovative ideas that are original and unique.

Interestingly, in African fashion design today, the more creative you are, the more popular you become. Hence, there is a need to peruse yourself on how creative you are? Are your imaginations active in the world of fashion design?

Networking Skill

How well can you market yourself? Do you have good marketing strategies? How well can you grow your customer base? What are your business plans? These are germane questions you need to answer appropriately. It is important to know that fashion designing is not just a career path, it is business. Hence, your venture into fashion designing is not just because you have a burning passion for it, but because you need to make money from it. A good customer base is the life wire of every business, including fashion designing.

Management Skill

You might not be needing a management skill if you are considering fashion designing enterprise as a short-term ambition, but if you want to climb the ladder of success as an influential fashion designer in Africa, learning or developing a management skill is a requisite for you. You cannot succeed in the business when you are eating your profits and lack good business sense, irrespective of your creativity.

Prompt Decisiveness

Fashion designing entails curating new ideas. However, these idea would not create themselves if the fashion designer do not work towards it. He/She must be swift with the spontaneity of global fashion trends.

How To Become A Fashion Designer In Africa - by Dennis Osadebe


Online Fashion Design Course


On a journey to becoming a successful fashion designer in Africa, below are some guides that might help.

Discover your specialty

Fashion designing is multi-faceted and it requires narrowing your scope of the discipline to a field. There are indeed many areas to focus on when it comes to fashion designing in Africa. You may choose to specialize in baby wears, suits, bridal wears, women wears, traditional attires, and several others. But, the main deal is you having a clear-cut definition of what you want to venture into. So, knowing your speciality and flare should be the first big step you take.


After choosing a path in fashion designing, then there is need for you to look for the fashion designer who is also into your line of interest. This is really the top secret to becoming an expert. Always remember that experience is the best teacher and education is an impacter of knowledge.

Be a diligent learner

Fashion designing field is a way of life itself. You might have the best teacher but gain nothing. It is required of you to pay undivided attention to what you are being taught while learning. Fashion design might be tricky and therefore, requires total commitment and diligent to become an expert.

Do not rush

The knowledge you retain is the major determining factor of your success in fashion designing. Just as there is an array of unprofessional individuals in other fields, the narrative in fashion designing is not any different. Hence, it is important for you to take your time in learning all that is required of you. There are quacks in fashion designing, not because they didn’t have the best teacher, but because they were in a haste to finish learning.

Fire your imagination

Let it be reiterated again that creativity is what can make you successful in fashion designing business in Africa. To be creative, your imagination must be ignited or provoked. There are evidently ways to achieve this. Reading various books and articles on fashion design is the most effective way of fueling your imagination. There are also lots of videos mainly for fashion that you can watch. These would in one way or the other enhance your creative imagination.

Know your financial strength

You really need to know how much is needed to make your fashion designing dream come alive. This is actually part of what you would have learnt from your teacher. This would avail you the glance of knowing the cost, profit, and financial flow.
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Fashion design is about the people who could appreciate and buy your designs. Creating networks that would make you sell is the next big step to take. Africa is a market of versatility, hence, if you can get your networking right, you are on your way to becoming very successful. You start this by getting your family members, friends, neighbors get acquainted with your designs. Also, you need to advertise yourself by being your first model showcasing your arts and designs.
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Be an innovative business strategist

Always remember that you joggle two roles together; a fashion designer and a business owner. So, you need to find ways of selling your fashion designs. You can become an innovative business strategist using the internet. Myriads of accomplishment can be gain if this tool of communication is properly employed. Also, reading of books would do its magic by learning principles to grow a small business to an empire.


We learn everyday with a quest in pursuance of excellence. Often than not, this perfection might seem not to be achieved, but being better than the past is progress.
Becoming a successful fashion designer in Africa is an expanse of endeavor limitless to explore. Learn to grow and get better in what you do in it.

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