Men have been left out a bit in fashion because means clothing is more expensive. However, African print can also be made for men. First, a man needs to know their body. This helps in understanding what works best for you. For example, if a man is well built, wearing baggy shirts makes him look weird and unattractive.
Also, men need to know that horizontal lines make someone look bigger so the slim men can wear shirts with horizontal lines. Also, vertical lines make an individual look taller. The short men need to wear clothes with such lines to enhance their looks.

1. African Print Shirt Styles
African print is made of very strong material. This means that means of all sizes can have a shirt done for them using the material. Some shirts that are booming in the fashion industry are those with African print on the collar, cuffs, and button lines. The rest of the shirt is made of plain fabric. Many men have appeared in several evens with such shirts and they simply look elegant. The beauty of these shirts is pairing your African print shirt with a trouser of the same color as the plain color in the shirt or looking for a trouser that has a dull color.
For men who have bigger upper bodies, go for dull colors on the top and brighter colors on the waist downwards. This is because bright colors increase attention. If you have a bigger lower body then do vice versa. A general message to all men, make sure that your belt matches your shoes. This is a very good fashion tip that works very well for all outfits.
2. African Print Coats
Currently, the African print is not confined. Some coats have emerged in the fashion industry that is made of African print. The good thing about the coats is their versatility. They can be worn for social events and also official. It just depends on the colors and design. Some coats are completely made of African print and some just have a hint of African print on the collars. This is very fashionable and all men are welcome to try them.
A small tip for all men, if you must wear a tie just makes sure that the color you chose does not overcrowd your looks. For example, a white shirt would go well with a black tie, on any other tie with a bold color. This goes to coats too. If you must wear a coat of a different color with your trouser then make sure that the colors do not clash.
3. African Print Trousers
African print trousers are out and men out there are wearing them and they feel very confident in them. The trousers should not be baggy or too tight. Just have your tailor measure you very well before you have it made.
The African print trousers come in a wide variety of colors. The many colors can work well with a plain shirt or an African print shirt that is not entirely African print. A man needs to look serious and self-confident and these trousers help with that. People will always judge you by the way look so be careful what you wear.
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